ゴルフ・ドゥ!公式アプリ DO-PON!




Discount coupons available for quick set-up reach, Golf de! Additional new features of the swing check is the official app "DO-PON!" Of.

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割引きクーポンで、ゴルフクラブや用品をおトクに購入。もちろん、買取り査定アップクーポンやグリップ交換券など等、店舗毎に様々なクーポンが配信されます。ダウンロード後は、“お気に入り店舗”を登録するだけの簡単登録。個人情報の登録なども不要なので、安心してご利用いただけます。店舗検索機能をはじめ、今後さらに機能も充実!是非ご利用ください。==ご注意事項==本アプリで発行されるクーポンは、ゴルフ・ドゥオンラインショップ、または通信販売などではご利用いただけません。クーポンに記載のある、ご利用可能店舗の店頭取引時にのみご利用が可能です。また、クーポンはお取り寄せ品が対象外になるなど、各種ご注意事項が御座います。詳しくは、クーポンに記載されているご利用可能店舗やご注意事項をご覧ください。=========■新機能「スイングチェッカー」練習場でもゴルフ場でも、簡単にスイングを撮影・録画ができます。カメラの切り替えで、自撮りも可能です。動画に直線や丸を描いて、気になる部分のフォームのチェックにお役立て下さい。■とにかくお得なクーポンアプリ「DO-PON!」。全国チェーンのゴルフ・ドゥ!店頭各店でご利用が可能なクーポンがお手元に。メールアドレスや電話番号の登録なども一切不用で、登録は簡単♪“お気に入り店舗”から、クーポンやセールなどのお知らせ情報が自動でお客様のもとへ届きます。「手軽に使えるクーポン」ご登録したお気に入り店舗から、様々なクーポンが自動でお客様のもとへ届きます。商品購入時の割引が出来る“割引クーポン”。クラブの買取り査定時に、買取り額がアップする“買取りクーポン”。さらに、グリップ交換券など、店舗毎に様々なお得クーポンが発行されます。※クーポンの種類や発行時期は店舗により異なります。「お知らせ情報が届く」全国の店舗が個別に行うセール情報がアプリに届きます。“お気に入り登録した店舗”からだけお知らせやクーポンが届くので、店舗検索機能で近くのお店を探して是非ご登録してください。もちろん、お気に入り店舗は追加や削除もかんたん操作で可能です。「店舗検索機能やおみくじ機能」近くのゴルフ・ドゥ!店舗を検索できます。さらに、面白機能として、無料で使えその日の運勢が占える“おみくじ機能”が付いています。胸にしみる“自分を見つめ直す日めくりカレンダー”も無料で毎日更新。お得なだけでなく、楽しさいっぱいのアプリです。■「DO-PON!」に関するお問い合わせお客様お問い合わせ窓口[email protected](お問い合わせ受付日:平日10:00~18:00)※ご回答までに土日祝日を除く、2営業日ほどお時間をいただく場合がございます※誠に恐れ入りますが、お電話でのお問い合わせはお受けいたしかねておりますIn discount coupons, buy your golf clubs and equipment.Of course, such as such as purchase assessment up coupons or grip exchange tickets, will be delivered a variety of coupons for each store.After downloading, easy registration of only registering a "favorite store".Because even unnecessary, such as registration of personal information, you can use with confidence.Started a store search function, also enhance further function future!Please use all means.== Please Note ==Coupon to be issued in this app is not available in such as golf de online shop or mail order,.A stated coupon, you can only use at the time of over-the-counter trading Available store.In addition, coupons, etc. Stock goods is excluded, there is a variety of your notes.For more information, please refer to the available stores and Cautions that are listed in the coupon.=========■ new feature "swing Checker"Even on a golf course in practice field, you can easily shoot and record the swing. In switching of the camera, self-taking is also possible.Draw a straight line and circle in the video, please help us to check the form of areas of concern.■ anyway deals coupon app "DO-PON!".Golf de nationwide chain! Please use the coupon is at hand that can be in the shop each store.Such as the registration of the e-mail address or phone number is also a absolutely unnecessary, registration is easy ♪From "favorite store", you will receive notice information such as coupons and sale is automatically to your original."Easy-to-use coupon"From your registered favorite store, you will receive a variety of coupons to the original customers automatically.Discount can be at the time of product purchase "discount coupon".At the time of purchase assessment club, the purchase amount is up "purchase coupon".In addition, such as grip replacement ticket, it will be issued a variety of deals coupon to each store.※ type and issue timing of the coupon depends on the store."Notice information arrives"Sale information stores nationwide to do individually will receive the app.Since only announcements and coupons received from the "favorite registered store", please choose your registration by all means to find a store near you in the store search function.Of course, a favorite store is available in the add or remove is also easy to operate."Store search function and fortune function"Nearby golf de! You can search the store.In addition, as the interesting feature, comes with a fortune Uranaeru "fortune function" of the day can be used for free.Gets in Your chest updated daily with free "tear-off calendar calendar reconsider their own".Deals not only, is a fun-filled app.■ "DO-PON!" InquiriesCustomers Contact [email protected](Contact reception date: weekdays 10:00 to 18:00)※ excluding weekends and holidays before you answer, you might get about two business days for your time※ Excuse me, but, telephone inquiry has been receiving ..Android8.0のプッシュ通知に対応